Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kanye's Cock Shots

Hey There Gang, Sue Ellen here, and I got something to say.

I was on Gawker today reading my daily amount of gossip when lo' and behold I stumbled upon an item talking about leaked sexting photos of Kanye West. Of course, this piqued my interest. But what disturbed me most was this instant back lash of women talking about how much they find the aesthetics of peen disgusting.

What, what WHAT! Who doesn't like the way peen looks? Obvs, I had to rant about it. Big time.

I wrote to Maureen of Gawker, I don't expect her to write back to my ridiculous rant on the Peanut Gallery, but I did want my voice and my experience with schlong heard.

Below is the email I wrote:

Hey there Maureen, I'm sure you're getting a lot of email regarding the dicks. Here's my two cents. I am a 28 year old, female who enjoys-- I'm sorry, I'm infatuated with the male form and male mystique. It makes me tear out my hair when I see that a majority of the comments attitude about aesthetic of DECK/cock shots, and not just in this forum, but when I speak to women in general, is this:
As a woman who likes men, I have to say no, it does not.
I can only speak
for myself, but while I enjoy the functionality of the penis, its looks leave
something to be desired.

Or this banal bullshit, like this mo'fo's got a PHD in Penis Envy 101:
It's done for the man's pleasure, not the woman. The man gets off on the thought
that his bare cock makes a woman salivate. Its his fantasy. Most are too dim
witted to know otherwise.
Show me a beautiful, round toned bum though... and
this is a different story.

This makes me upset for three reasons: 1) Are straight woman conditioned to believe that the penis is an ugly, overbearing thing that's not suppose to conjure any type of sexual feeling? Like the dick is some harbinger of death? 2) I don't like it when men talk shit about my vajajay and the way it looks. That doesn't make me feel sexy-- so I wonder what these women are doing to their partners? That's some other bullshit. 3) This is what makes most porn for women suck. Don't give me soft focus, or waxed muscled men in pirate shirts. Don't give me some light play romance film where all I see is maybe a peek of ass from the dude, but I see bosoms galore. I will take hardcore solo action of a guy pleasing himself over that. Hell, even in D'Angelo's music video "How Does It Feel", I'm sure a collective of women wanted that camera to go down a little lower.

Constantly, in porn women are the eye candy and if I was into chicks that would be cool with me. But it isn't. Having a female form in the mix instantly sends the signal, whether conscious or not, to compare my body with the woman in the film. How am I to feel sexy and turned on when I'm thinking about how my stomach isn't as flat as that or my boobs not as big or wowever...

Okay, thank you so much for letting me rant about the commenters.

Much Respect,

Sue Ellen Crandell

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sexting Sexting 1,2,3!

Best Text Ever!

How could you not respond back to that?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You know what I wish.....?

I wish that studs in porn movies got equal billing or that they're more visibly listed because I don't care about the actress so much as I care about the dude. Lame.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I love Jeans!

Especially when there's dick in them. Thank you so much, Wild Ride!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Where the fuck have I been?

Check it out ladies. I found some porns on the internet that could very well be the definition of sexy. FuckMeLikeThat is a goldenrod of passion, playfulness and attitude. Also it just plain turns me on.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sometime's you just need a good f--read!

And our friend over at Lulu Sparkle sure knows how to show us a good time. Please do check out her short story "Mess with Texas".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's Here! D&P's Third and Final Zine Together!

Hello Ladies,

Thank you all for patiently waiting for this zine. Dagger and Pistol's: Porn Zine for Straight Women Volume 1, Issue 3-- Featuring our fine ass Cock Fight Champion, Charles! You will be able to find a copy at Faire Gallery|Cafe or email us daggerandpistol (at) gmail (dot) com to have one snail mailed to your address.

Dagger and Pistol is transforming into something unique now. Jasmine Jordan of Pistol will be venturing full steam ahead with her awesome take on erotica so please do keep an eye out for the next steamy issue in June. And, I, Sue Ellen Crandell, will keep dishing up the d*cks in my new zine for the ladies later on this year. Please stay tuned and updated by visiting the blog, our Facebook and MySpace pages AND we're still accepting submissions for either zine and you can use the email mentioned above.

Now go out and get that zine!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Celesta D. You're my SHE-roe!

I'm on the internets always scouring what little things here and there could catch my fancy-- especially when it comes to lady porn. Look, usually when people talk about lady porn it's always some soft focus/burlesque/black&white/put-a-woman-with-her-titties-out bullshit. I can't stand it. It doesn't get the job done and if were to be fancy and artistic it's really played out and cliche.

Well let me bring your attention to Celesta Danger. An amazing female photographer that really has a grip on the male mystique with her nude shots. Her captures are full of intimate, articulate and humble portraits of regular dudes. And it's really charming. But there is one photo that really caught my attention-- keep an eye out for the trucker cap dude mirror shot.

Posted By: Dagger

Monday, January 11, 2010

This is how you celebrate the New Year!

Hello Ladies,

I know a lot of you were too cool for school to make it down to our Cock Fight. So let me rub in your faces what you missed:


And This.

And the Neutron Dance.

The dancer above's name is Charles and he is the now undisputed Cock Fight Champion of 2009. Congratulations Charles! Please be sure to get your copy of Dagger and Pistol with a beautiful spread of the Champ coming out February.