Saturday, February 13, 2010

Celesta D. You're my SHE-roe!

I'm on the internets always scouring what little things here and there could catch my fancy-- especially when it comes to lady porn. Look, usually when people talk about lady porn it's always some soft focus/burlesque/black&white/put-a-woman-with-her-titties-out bullshit. I can't stand it. It doesn't get the job done and if were to be fancy and artistic it's really played out and cliche.

Well let me bring your attention to Celesta Danger. An amazing female photographer that really has a grip on the male mystique with her nude shots. Her captures are full of intimate, articulate and humble portraits of regular dudes. And it's really charming. But there is one photo that really caught my attention-- keep an eye out for the trucker cap dude mirror shot.

Posted By: Dagger